
How to participate
  • Speak in a minisymposium:

    If you were invited to speak in a minisymposium, submit your title and abstract through EasyChair . Check the box corresponding to your symposium title. Talks will be 25 minutes with 5 minutes for questions.

  • Present a contributed talk:

    Submit a title and abstract through EasyChair . Check the "Contributed Talk" box.

  • Present a poster

    Submit a title and abstract through EasyChair . Check the "Poster presentation" box.

Registration Rates
Non-SIAM members$80
SIAM members$70
Graduate students$35
Undergraduate students$10

Registration rates will increase by $20 for registration after February 17, 2017. All attendees are required to register no later than March 18, 2017. Registration on Eventzilla may be paid by check or credit card.

Checks should be made payable to SIAM-SEAS and can be mailed to

ATTN: Lisa VanMiddlesworth
208 Love Building
1017 Academic Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4510